

This is my second time arrived here . Feel  excited and it can not describe within word . This is best steamboat ever... I went to this place with my friends and it is located at Kangar . If i'm not mistaken , it is in front of  Maktab Perguruan .

Look at that .. There so many kind of food they provided . I dont know which one I want to eat first . Finally , just take all what they given ..This night i wanna eat till my stomach expode ..hahaha..

when I put the meat on the cooking place .. my stomach  can not hold any longer .even if the meat is not cooked yet , I jus eat it raw ..yuckk!! feel weird...just ignore long as my tummy dont make noise ..haha

Lastly , I take photo with my friends..Opss!!..not 'with' its 'only them'...i only hold the camera and take thier photo ...:-( ..Only write about this entries i feel want to go there again..i make sure i will go next week..hehe

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